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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Emo post: dun nid to read...

Wat's a home??? It is juz with a dad, a mom, ur siblings or ur relatives livin together??? Is it juz a roof over our heads, to keep us dry and warm???
Wat's a home suppose to b like??? Fun, comfortable, patience, understandin, givin way???

When shall i call the place i'm livin now a "home"??? To mi, its juz a empty shell with nth inside... Nth for mi to rmb, nth fun, nth comfortable... It's not a statement by a moment of emo n sadness... Its been like tt...
When i feel happy at "home", was i really happy??? Was i really havin "fun"...

All dis while, everythin's bottlin up... I cannot take it sometimes... Dis "home" we speak of, does it really xist???
Is it that easy to forgive n forget??? Den y r "homes" breakin up???

Wat r parents for??? Juz to give birth to us??? Give us food, education, money???
Wat else can they give us??? Joy, sense of belongin, pride, a name??? Or is it sadness, sufferin, torture???
Which one's more??? How come i dun rmb the gd times???
Why only rmb the bad??? Is it becoz we rmb bad things tt happen to us better n easier den the gd times???

Why can't our parents understand how we feel??? R they suppose to noe if we dun tell dem???
Will they noe if we dun tell dem??? Wat will they do it we told dem how we feel???
Will it change anythin??? Some ppl say, u'll never noe till u try... Is tt how feelings operate???

When we greet our "parents" when they come hm, is it becoz of respect, becoz we love dem or becoz we juz shld??? Do u greet ur "parents" becoz u love dem??? Or becoz they r ur parents???

Will sadness, grudges, guilt, pain, misfortunes disappear??? Ppl always say yes... After sometime, we'll tend to "forget"... Is tt really the case??? When we "forget", will dere still b a chance tt we will rmb n bring it up again???

Why m i angry??? Why m i sad???
Is it becoz i dun feel like i hav a "home"???
Is it becoz i'm sick n tired of livin in such a place???
Is it becoz my parents make too much assumptions???
Is it becoz i think my parents dun understand how i feel???
Is it becoz my life's tearin apart with all the stress n other emotions???
Is it becoz i cannot take the pressure from life, parents, environment???
Is it becoz my parents do certain things, action, expression tt i dun like???
Is it becoz my life is juz not tt interestin, comfortable, fun, enjoyable, likable???
Is it becoz i'm thinkin, findin for somethin that i cannot, will not, maynot hav with mi now???
Is it becoz i juz wanna do the things i love the most w/out ppl buggin, tellin, orderin mi wat to do???
Is it becoz my parents give suggestions, hints, answers tt i cannot understand, cannot accept, dislike???
Wat shld i do??? How shld i feel???

Mixed up, everythin's done, r we juz toys??? Wat r we??? Humans??? Who gave us tt name???
Wat r gods??? Do they really xist??? If ghosts xist n some of us can c dem, why can't we c gods???
Where r they livin??? How r they livin??? Like us??? Havin "homes"??? Havin all dese emotions??? R they really wat they r from wat we c if shows???

The Black Hole, the Universe, the Sun, the planets... Wat's behind dem all??? Is it juz a plain white page??? Is the milky way n all the Universe part of anythin bigger, better??? R we the smallest "thing" with regards to other Universe out dere??? Could we be juz a rock particle arnd a star that glows, the sun, from the view of other bigger organisms livin else where???

Dere r so many qns, too many to b answered, too many tt we dunno the answer, too many things to b discovered...

But still it boils down to dis qn: why m i feelin dis bad...

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