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Monday, November 8, 2010

My last time visiting poly before army... 

Yoyoyo... Dis will b my last time goin back to my poly for runs or gym before entering army... Next time no chances ordy...  But oh well, i will get lots of chances to run n train in army ya... Haha...

Anyway, I was blogging juz now before my mom called n delete all my entry for e past 30 mins... So I'm gonna cut short a lot of stuff...

I remembered mentioning abt Db n goin back for training on weekends becoz I was hoping my frens would join dis sport with mi... So I guess it gives mi motivation to go back for training ya... Hahaha...

I also mentioned abt army... My fren called it a 2yrs slimming program, e 1 n only beneficial slimming program tt pays u, feeds u n gives u a place to stay so tt they can keep an eye on u during the week...

I guess I can get e body I wan... I hope I can... But it also means I hatta watch wat I eat during e weekends tt I booked out also... No eating becoz of urge or temptation or craving... Hahaha...

I guess we'll only get to eat  n  inside... Well, I must not b tempted to eat all dese: , , , , , , , , , , , , , etc... Hahaha... So sadded...

But I'll enjoy my time inside... Oh, I also mentioned tt I hope I dun hav any assholes in my bunk... It will b so dreadful... I hope i dun c any spirits inside also, not to mention get possessed or killed by dem...

In short, I hope for a peaceful 3mths, no, a peaceful 2 yrs... E next thing i hav to worry abt is my application to NTU... Chris n Abel said they wanna go NTU too!!! Haha... Pray hard tt I can get in...

Abel said he got interview... Haiz... I hope my interview is juz e normal one n not e sciency one... Haha... Okiz, it's Dover now... Thks for reading...

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